Table of Contents
Summer 2016 Judeo-Persian Special Issue
Guest Edited by Nahid Pirnazar
English Section
Jews in Khorasan before the Mongol Invasion
Illuminated Judeo-Persian Manuscripts
Persian Section
Judeo-Persian Literature and Professor Amnon Netzer
An Introduction to the Cultural Heritage of Iranian Jews
Linguistic Perspectives on Judeo-Persian
The Intellectual and Devotional Milieu of Iranian Jewish Poets
Iranian History in Bābāī Ibn Lutf ’s Kitāb-i Anusī
An Introduction to The Book of Commandments: Sefer ha Mitzvot
An Introduction to Latorayi: A Judeo-Persian Dialect
Ayob Ebrahimi
The Judeo-Persian Composition of Henry Martyn’s Persian Bible
Heidar Eyvazi, Ahmad Moghri & Mohsen Golpayegani
Examples of Jeudeo-Persian Literature