Table of Contents Volume 6, Number 2
Editor-in-Chief: Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi
Literary Diasporas of Iran
Guest Editors: Claudia Yaghoobi & Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
English Verso
Claudia Yaghoobi and Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Poetry as Salve for Persian Exiles
Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Exile and Absence from the True Homeland: The Topos of Exile in Religious Literature
Alan Williams
The Complete Persepolis: Visualizing Exile in a Transnational Narrative
Leila Sadegh Beigi
Between Tehran and Paris: Terre de mirages and Shayegan’s Exilic Ambivalence
Ehsan Sheikholharam
Iranian American Comedic Memoirs: Interrogating Race and Humor in Diasporic Life Writing
Leila Moayeri Pazargadi
Racial Profiling of Iranian Armenians in the United States: Omid Fallahazad’s “Citizen Vartgez”
Claudia Yaghoobi
Persian Reverso
A Reflection of Our Lives over the Four Decades after the Revolution in Literature and a Study of Exilic Literature
Nasim Khaksar
The Blurring of the Boundaries between Reality and Fantasy, Body and Soul, and Home and (Non)Home during the Creative Process of Writing Diaspora
Parvaneh Hosseini Fahraji
Desire, Power, and Agency: Iranian Female Poets Reading Their Poems before the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
Mahdi Tourage