Table of Contents
English Verso
My Kurdish Brother, Amir Hassanpour
Thomas M. Ricks
The Raven of Separation: Arabic Poetic Topoi and the Persian Courtly Tradition
Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Interiority and the City Center: Locating the Gulistan Harem During Nassir al-Dīn Shah’s Reign
Leila Pourtavaf
Arānī, Kasravī and Demonic Irrationality: Discourses of Reason and Scientific Explanation
Arshavez Mozafari
Persian Reverso
Namag: A Concise Etymology and Semantic
Nima Jamali
Culture and Democracy
Ali Mirsepasi
The Western Problematic and the Idea of Everyday Culture and Life in the Post-Revolutionary Iran
Mohammad Reza’i and Hadi Aqajanzadeh
Divorce as Seen through Women’s Cinematic Lens
Nasrin Rahimieh
European Racial Thought, Iranian Nationalists, and Theories of Arab Invasion and Decline
Reza Zia-Ebrahimi
Kamal Khojandi, Reza Quli Khan Hedayat, and Muhammad Hashim Asef Rustam al-Hukama
Jalil Nozari
Bloodletting Practices in the Iranian History of Medicine
Mohsen Farsani
The Seven Cities of Love
Hamid Sahebjami